Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Renovation Realities

Buying a vacant 85 year old house is not simple. Getting a renovation loan is not simple. It took us two months longer than planned just to close on our new old farmhouse. Thankfully, that step is done. Now the real work begins!

The farmhouse sat vacant for over a year. Last winter it wasn't winterized as soon as it was vacant (it was a foreclosure), so there are burst pipes and water damage. With wall-to-wall old dirty blue carpet, mold, damaged ceilings, damaged walls, a small kitchen, etc, we have a ton of work to do. We're tackling the demolition work ourselves to save a bit of money.

Before: Gross carpets!

During: So much demolition!

There's a lot of work to be done, but we're making progress. I'll try to write posts on the projects we tackle. In the meantime, know that we're keeping busy.